General Information
Conference topics:
- Geometry of submanifolds
- Global differential and Riemannian geometry
- Curvature flows
- Foliations
- Pseudo-Riemannian, Finsler and Kähler geometries
- Lie groups and homogeneous spaces
- Topology
The list of the conference topics reflects the vast diversity of Alexander Borisenko's research interests.
Scientific program:
- 40 minutes invited talks
15 minutes contributed talks
poster session
Official language of the conference is English
If you want to deliver a contributed talk, or present a poster,
send your abstract before August 1, 2016 on the conference e-mail . Abstracts of the talks and posters should be prepared in LaTex using the
template . Please attach both
.tex and the compiled .pdf files, and name them as it is suggested
in the template.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the
conference, and acceptance decisions will be issued to the authors before the end of August.
Conference fee:
The conference fee is 350 UAH (15 EUR) for senior researchers, 250 UAH (10 EUR) for recent PhDs, and 150 UAH (5 EUR) for graduate students. The fee covers conference materials, coffee breaks and welcome party, and should be paid in cash during the registration on the first day of the conference. The conference dinner is planned on September, 14 (tentative), details TBA.
- July 1, 2016 July 10, 2016 - deadline for financial support application;
- By July 10, 2016 July 15, 2016 - notification of successful applicants;
- August 1, 2016 - deadline for contributed talks and posters abstracts submission;
- End of August - acceptance decisions about contributed talks and posters;
- August 15, 2016 - deadline for online registration.
The conference will take place at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4, Svobody Sq., 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Cultural program:
Directions to Kharkiv:
About Kharkiv:
The following information will let you learn more about our city:Safety issues:
Despite being on the news for a while, the situation in Ukraine, and, in particular, in Kharkiv, is stable and peaceful. No additional precautions, except the standart policies to stay safe in a big city, needed. If you have any questions and/or concerns about these questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us at